Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hey, do you have a Myspace?..A what?..

Oh Myspace, how I have almost forgotten about you. Myspace used to be the hot spot (after AIM) where everyone used to get online and leave comments and put up pictures and decorate your background to get it to your liking and making sure your friends were happy with your "top friends" if not prepare to be last on their "top friends". Although learning how to do your background was a mission you had to learn from scratch how to do html codes in order to get a picture to certain side of your page, or center it etc. Which I appreciate it now but back then not so much.

Now Facebook on the other hand when I first started using it I hated it, I felt like I was stalking everyone, meaning I would see "Franchesca and Mike became friends" I was like ..who cares?? it was a bit different from Myspace I thought it was weird at first but then I started liking it more because I didnt have to make my page look "cute" because while being in college, studing, and working there is no time for that anymore, and it became easier to comment and upload pictures etc.
I believe Myspaces' mistake was not competing when it should have, or at least didn't do enough to make it an impact to keep their users. Now when you see Myspace it's like a copy cat of facebook you can update your status, tag your friends, etc. According to Michael Jones News Corp owned site says wrong they are just trying to focus mostly on social entertainment. I don't know how many people are going to agree with that but that would be a whole other topic.

As for the Future of social networking it is all up in the air only time will tell what will happen next. What do you think will happen next?

Links: - Myspace is not coping facebook. -The future of social networking.


  1. I agree with you Christy in the sense of MySpace not competing when there was chance, now there is no chance, it is all downhill now. I think that the future of social networking will be very much the same just because Facebook is too strong to break. Facebook is in a way monopolizing the social networking business or at least they are linking every single social web site with them. As for MySpace the only chance I foresee for them is too be sold and it is most probably that will be sold to Facebook. If not MySpace will keep on down falling and end up just closing because there is just too much money involved and the number are showing they are doing terrible.

  2. In my opinion Myspace will be gone soon, it failed to create something different and to attract new audience. It is too late for them to make a comeback. I remember using Myspace when I was in high school, and I hated Facebook too. But when I graduated and I didn't have time with school and work, Facebook simplicity made it so much easier to connect with my friends.

  3. MySpace did not keep up with time. They focus on what they had and I guess expected to remind on top forever. In order, for them to make a comeback they will need to do something opposite of Facebook. MySpace will soon need a space to rest.
