Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bringing more customers to your business

While creating a new business, you have a lot on your mind from financing, building a website, and how you are going to spread the word on your business besides using newspaper ads, TV commercials, and/or the radio. Now while building a website is useful for more detailed information some people don’t think about socializing through Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Myspace or many more. This tool has been very successful to make many businesses known. 
Now many small businesses that are already known might say that they are too busy with the amount of customers that they already have and have no time to be logging into each social media website. Well then consider Postling . It logs you in into all of your social media like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and etc, and you can update your status and blog all in one place without having to sign in to each website. I don’t think having too many customers is a bad thing for your business. I also read an article the other day it was called 32 ways to use Facebook for business   that might also help you if you need help starting a Facebook for your business. If that doesn’t convince you look over the facebook statistics of how many people log on daily.
Although signing up might be easy, blogging about events at your store is easy, providing incentives are great ways to interact with all those customers who “follow” you on Twitter or “like” you on Facebook etc. If you don’t promote your business and catch consumer’s attention, it’s just like having a website just standing there doing nothing. For example, let’s say you want more customers and you have a sale going on you can update your status so others can see saying “ The first 100 people to like this status can receive instead of 20% off merchandise,  70% off merchandise!!”. This will not only create more customers but those who did not get it this time around are going to be looking at your page from time to time to see if they can catch it the second time around.
Thanks for reading!



  1. Your post is very interesting. I didn't know app like Etsy existed but of course… what doesn't exist now a days!

    I agree with you in the fact that small businesses should dedicate part of its efforts to the Social Networks. It's a new advantage placed there for firms to use. We are giving them the opportunity of coming into our homes, see are pictures, meet our friends and know our interests. They will never find better database than that! And we do it happily because for us it doesn't feel like an intrusion. We are comfortable in these environments and they should use it -wisely- in their benefit.

    On the other hand, this opportunity allows small businesses to get back some of that close relationship they had with their every-day customers. By engaging with small groups of loyal customers they are developing the online “corner shops” from the 21 Century.

  2. Very cool Future of Marketing! I knew of the idea of a general site where companies could go log in and manage all of their social networks, but I hadn't heard of "Postling." I love Etsy by the way! Such a creative concept and way for artisans to sell, share, and chat about their work! Businesses absolutely need to keep up with social media as you mentioned. They need to grow as technology grows and as consumers become more educated in technology. We are living in a new world and if they fail to keep up they wont be around to enjoy it. If business owners don't have time to spend on posting than I suggest they hire a social media specialist or even an intern to post and manage their sites. This will ensure they are keeping up and offer someone an opportunity to show off their skills and gain true world work experience.
